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Results for "keyword: "image of God""
A Prayer for Holiday Shoppers The December holidays mean that millions of people all over the world will head out to malls, department stores, and shops to purchase gifts. In the United States, the shopping frenzy started on "Bl…
The Loudness of God by Maria Christian in KidSpirit's The God Issue. Interfaith Connections is a column for teens to dialogue about how their faith or wisdom tradition influences their view of life’s big questions…
Through the Eyes of Hope By Steffany Melgarejo for KidSpirit's Society and the Individual Issue Everyone has different experiences and stories, and therefore a very different perspective on life. Observing the daily …
Putting Others First Hindu Wisdom Life consists of these little things, and it is by putting other people first every day in a thousand little acts of kindness that we make ourselves perfect in love. — Eknath Easw…
Opening Your Heart Multifaith Wisdom Open to the Spirit in all faiths. — Bede Griffiths, Christian mystic and interspiritual pioneer
Entertaining Yourself with God Proverb If one possesses contentment, less or more wealth makes no difference. -- Tibetan Proverb
Daily Kindness Buddhist Wisdom Take care of the body. Respect and love it, and it will give you all that is required on your journey. — Donald Altman in Reflect Definition Respect is love in plain …
"V" is for Vision The Adventurer of the Universe starts with the dream and reaps tragic Beauty. — Alfred North Whitehead I have a friend named David who can see things others can't. He has visions. I don…
God is Love by Ateya Stepanovich for Kidspirit's Society and the Individual Issue. It is a story as old as the world, or maybe even older. A battle from times we don’t even remember, a battle between gods …
"U" is for Unity "And that’s why it is so important today that we reaffirm our character as a nation — a people drawn from every corner of the world, every color, every religion, every background — bound by a …